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All the colors in between, for community, for love, for everyone.

How Did It All Begin?

Picture this: two lifelong friends, Rouge and Dharma, separated by twenty years and vast distance, finally reunite in the heart of Berlin, a city brimming with creativity. As we immersed ourselves in its vibrant art scene, we noticed a recurring issue—talented artists, musicians, and performers struggling to find spaces to bring their visions to life. Kind-hearted studio and venue owners were often willing to offer their spaces for free, but the process was convoluted and disconnected.

Our Mission

We created Pedra to empower Berlin’s creative community by providing free access to studios and venues. Our platform connects artists, musicians, and performers who lack funds with generous space providers, streamlining a previously complicated process.

The Journey So Far

The challenge was clear: how to connect willing space providers with creatives in need, in a transparent and efficient way. Pedra aims to bring clarity and ease, matching creatives with available spaces seamlessly, and fostering a supportive and collaborative community.

Benefits for Space Owners

Even when offering spaces for free, space owners reap significant benefits. They gain increased visibility within the creative community, forge connections with talented artists, and contribute to a vibrant cultural scene. Additionally, showcasing sponsored projects can enhance their reputation and attract future paying clients.

The Future

As Pedra grows, space owners will have the opportunity to rent their spaces to those who can afford it, creating a sustainable income stream. We envision a platform where creators can monetize their events by streaming performances live on Pedra, selling online access tickets, or inviting audiences to live shows and selling in-person tickets through our platform. Space providers will also benefit from this model, sharing in the revenue generated by these events.

Spread the Word and Grow Our Community!

We believe that the power of creativity multiplies when shared. If you’re excited about what Pedra has to offer, don’t keep it to yourself—invite your fellow artists, musicians, and performers to join our vibrant community!

Why Spread the Word?

  • Strength in Numbers: The more creatives we have, the richer our community becomes. More artists mean more collaboration opportunities and a more dynamic creative scene.

  • Enhanced Opportunities: As our community grows, so do the opportunities. More space providers, more projects, and more chances to bring your artistic vision to life.

  • Support Each Other: By inviting others, you’re helping to build a supportive network where creatives can inspire and uplift one another.

How to Share:

  • Social Media: Share our website and your excitement about Pedra on your social media profiles. Use hashtags like #PedraCommunity.

  • Email: Send a personal email or message to your creative friends, inviting them to join the waiting list.

  • Word of Mouth: Talk about Pedra at your next gathering, event, or meet-up with fellow creatives.

Share the Love: Help us grow a community where creativity knows no bounds. Spread the word about Pedra, and let’s build something amazing together!


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